How Do You Measure Up?

Yep, they've been at it again. Those pesky researchers are into everything these days and this time its the size of your manhood they've been looking at. Well, not yours personally, unless you were part of their research! No, this time they've been looking worldwide to find out which nation is the most 'well-hung'.

For the Brits, the news was not so good. Apparently, guys, you're painfully average! In fact, the UK came in the bottom half of the research when stacked up against the rest of the world, with an average length of 5.5 inches. Don't be too upset though, that's also the global average.

Top of the list, at 7.1 inches was the Democratic Republic of Congo. The correct way to measure is from the tip of the penis to the very bottom of the pubic bone just in case you want to have a go!

To cheer you up though, our escorts reckon there's nothing average about a Yorkshireman!